We refer to NEA’s “Advisory on Maintenance of Hawker Centres” dated 31 May 2013 which was sent to the email address of our Managing Agent at 8.05 pm on the same day, and promptly reported in the Straits Times and Zaobao on 1 June 2013.
We are pleased that the NEA Advisory has finally clarified the following regarding hawker centres :-
1. Spring cleaning is expected to be carried out on a quarterly basis; and
2. The ceilings, beams and exhaust ducts are to be cleaned at least once a year.
It is clear from the Advisory that Town Councils do NOT need to clean the ceilings, beams and exhaust ducts at each spring cleaning exercise, but annually. It is also clear from the Straits Times’ article dated 1 June 2013 that the Town Council had carried out cleaning of the ceilings, beams and exhaust ducts last year. We reiterate that no authorized TC staff told any hawker or anyone of any additional charges to be imposed for the cleaning.
We hope this clarifies to the public that AHPE TC has duly carried out its responsibilities as required.
Since the beginning of the year, AHPE TC had been in discussions with NEA to work out arrangements on the cleaning of hawker centres in Bedok North. In fact AHPE TC had proposed a meeting on 31 May 2013 at 2.30 pm to resolve outstanding issues. However, NEA re-scheduled to 6 June 2013. There was no need for NEA to issue the Advisory of 31 May 2013 in the meantime.
AHPE TC is mindful of its responsibilities for the maintenance and cleanliness of common properties, including HDB-owned markets and hawker centres to safeguard public hygiene and safety. We will use our best endeavors to work with all stakeholders to bring any outstanding issues to an amicable resolution.
1 June 2013