Many have commented about the haze situation, some have said - why keep talking. Why cant you do more ? Some like Mr William Sin uses expletives (against the PAP). I suppose for some people like Mr Sin, every occassion is an opportunity to make a political attack - doesnt seem to matter whether there is rationality in the comments.
I will ask Mr Sin - what more do you think we can and should do ? Look at the map, see where we are. Every country is sovereign and we cant intervene in the actions in other countries. The burning is taking place in Indonesia. What do you think Singapore can do about that? Singapore has raised it with Indonesian Ministers, and over several years, we have offered technical assistance, expressed our deep distress at what is happening, and have also raised the issue internationally.
The problem recurs, nevertheless. The reality of international law, international relations must be recognised. That is what we have been saying - in every field, our size and geography means that we are often price takers, not price makers - whether it is economics, geo politics, or the environment. But despite that we have done well, much better than bigger countries with more resources - because we have managed to deal with most situations by anticipating them. But the haze situation is quite outside our control. If Mr Sin or anyone else thinks we can do more about the haze that is caused by burning in Indonesia, perhaps they can tell us - but I suppose, for some, the temptation to direct expletives and use this occassion to attack the Govt and the PAP is too great .
I thank those who have noted the reality of the situation, and the limitations within which we operate.
K Shanmugam Sc
*Article first appeared on his facebook page: