Question: Before All his Song & Dance About His New Propaganda Book About 1 Man & World:
“Did LKY even do his Basic Duty As A Walkover MP For Tanjong Pagar GRC Residents?”
So much mainsteam media with likes of PAP party Controlled Straits Times & other media aggressively promoting free and extensive coverage of Tanjong Pagar GRC Walkover MP, Lee Kuan Yew’s new book titled “One Man’s Perspective Of The World”.
There are also numerous debates and discussion on his irrelevance and views discussed online and media from Singapore to Malaysia.
So much controversies, character assassination of opposition and Msia politicians in tow as usual from LKY’s writing and rants to date: importantly putting down & dismissing his favourite punch bag victims like Malay Muslims, islam & oppositions members who are future threats.
Most Important Question Missed Out:
From Singapore- Tanjong Pagar GRC residents:
The No. 1 Burning Question for Tanjong Pagar GRC Walkover resident due to electoral technicalities by Election Dept in GE2011:
“Is LKY doing his basic duties as a MP for Tanjong Pagar GRC as he is getting full salaries for to date?”
- LKY remains the only MP to date in Parliament other than late Balaji (during his medical crisis due to his illness before passing away) with HIGHEST ABSENTEE RECORD In all parliament seatings to date
- LKY remains the most absent and totally invisible MP who never attended any single Meet The People’s Session in Tanjong Pagar GRC by outsourcing such work to his fellow MPs
- LKY receives full salary and benefits (even more than any ordinary MP) from Taxpayers monies to date for his duty to serve the residents of Tanjong Pagar GRC
- The basic duty of any MP is to serve his or her residents first before anything including from PM to top Ministers as they are first elected Member of Parliament by residents before their political titles.
- Note: LKY is no longer the Prime Minister, Senior Minister or Minister Mentor Of Singapore (or any other new creative title created by PAP Party).
- He publically acknowledged his retirement from Cabinet and all other main ministerial level titles.
- Now He is Only a MP For TP GRC.
- LKY uses the Presidential Official resident & Govt office at Istana and most recently used Istana for his own new book launch while even Ex President Nathan did not for his own book releases.
- If LKY is understandably aged as LKY is , hardly able to walk or stand, even sit without the assistance of abled bodied tax payer funded public officers of special squad carrying or helping him around: He should just simply step down like any aged Member of Parliament wo much fuss.
- Yet he wants his full salary, benefits and perks above normal MP, trained Special Squard Guards to move him around at taxpayer’s costs and inconvience as he is in denial that of his condition.
- Even at the recent book launch at Istana, special instruction given to media not to photo LKY or video until he sat down to avoid printing or broadcasting his inability to walk, stand or sit down on his own. Yet in his book he arrogantly claims able to stand wo walking stick in denial –forgetting officers are holding him up.
Other Questions:
Can any member of parliament walk in and leave parliament as his father’s parliament wo following parliamentary protocols and procedures like all MPs before the sitting Speaker?
1. LKY did, as he wished walked out while his own PAP MP spoke as seen from links:
Link A:
Link B)
This is not a piece to cherry pick or have a personal agenda against an old MP, LKY here. It's simply a piece to ask is he should still be in office as an MP.
Basically the most affected here is the Tanjong Pagar Residents who were denied their right for a election in GE2011.
So if their MP like LKY does not perform his basic duty towards them while still collecting salary and above, they should be concerned as total failed performance and needs to be replaced by PM.
Or ask LKY to resign or return back his salaries collected for being a MP of Tanjong Pagar GRC or donate it.
If needed replace him or call an election to make the change as such wrong needs to be stopped as no person is above the laws and parliamentary rules of our country and institutions as ordinary Singaporean or Men-Including MP Lee Kuan Yew.
So enough of One Man’s Perspective of the World LKY, please start to get your basic perspective as an MP to serve your residents first or resign, step down and make change if too old or unable to.
Tanjong pagar resident and mutually concerned.
References Quoted with Links:
6. Salary of A Singapore Member Of Parliament
7. PAP Salary Cut of Ministers & MPS
8. My Father’s Parliament: I walk out as I feel like it wo asking for Speaker’s permission
Link B)
9. MP LKY’s Book launch in Istana: Why?
10. Daughter Lee Wei Ling claim LKY’s ‘Aggressively kind” for all his abuses, imprisoning and destroying political enemies, calling Singaporeans dafts and worst of his bullying..
Quote:”..And just as she was pushy in offering her help, he could at times almost force Singaporeans to do what is right though it may have caused them temporary pain. I would describe that as being ‘aggressively kind’ too.”
11. LKY’s daughter’s regular selected articles for ST, Sunday times-more propaganda stories laced with down to earth inclinations about her family, lky trying to endear the out of touch leader family fo Singaporeans
12. Link:
Marky Sim
TRS Contributor