Prof Paul Ananth Tambyah spoke at The Online Citizen’s healthcare forum on Saturday where he highlighted the key proposals of the SDP’s alternative healthcare plan.
The SDP’s plan is premised on the following problems with the PAP Government’s healthcare system:
- Singapore has the highest out-of-pocket healthcare expenditure in East Asia.
- Our Government pays only 30% of the country’s total healthcare expenditure compared to 70 percent in comparable economies.
- Singaporeans are in debt of $110 million to public hospitals as of end 2011. Many put off crucial health screenings and early treatment.
Such a system is unfair and, more important, unsustainable. Because of this, the Singapore Democrats drew up an alternative titled The SDP National Healthcare Plan: Caring For All Singaporeanswhere we make our healthcare system universal, that is, every Singaporean is entitled to quality medical care regardless of one’s financial state.
The SDP proposal includes:
- Replacing the 3M system (Medisave, Medishield, Medifund) with a single-payer system called the National Health Investment Fund (NHIF).
- Singaporeans pay an average of $600/year to the NHIF depending on income levels (taken from one’s CPF). Lower income workers and the elderly poor do not have to pay. The amount is a fraction of what we currently pay into Medisave.
- In the event of hospitalisation, the NHIF will then pay 90% of the hospital bill. Patients pay 10% up to $2,000 (per year).
- The SDP plan will increase the Government’s portion of the expenditure to 70%, easing the burden on our people.
The SDP’s healthcare plan aims to make healthcare in Singapore universal, affordable and sustainable. Singapore is one of the last few remaining countries in the world that has yet to make healthcare universal.
This is the first time that an opposition party has proposed a detailed and comprehensive alternative healthcare plan. To help make universal and caring healthcare system in Singapore a reality, please spread the word to support the SDP.
Read the full paper The SDP National Healthcare Plan: Caring For All Singaporeans.
Also: Universal healthcare consistent with political freedom
Singapore Democrats