Using the spirit of Christmas for political mileage.
That's what the PAP is up to this Christmas day. What else can we expect from an atheistic government?
We know that the spirit of Christmas is the spirit of giving and counting our blessings in the spiritual sense. However, with these PAP morons, they are using it to tell Singaporeans to reflect on the good things in life - obvious to the fact that they are insinuating, that their good life is credited to the PAP.
They want to claim credit for the spirit of Christianity. How desperate they are.
Since they are politically inclined, we too have to source out the reason why they are doing so.
Perhaps this is their new strategy - to tell Singaporeans that the peace and order they are living in is due to the governance of the PAP. Perhaps, they want Singaporeans to feel indebted to them, that their peace and safety are the cornerstone of life.
How silly can they be. Peace, stability and safety are the basic duties of every government. It is not something unique with the PAP. If a government fails to deliver on these, they fail. As simple as that.
Singaporeans are no longer taken in by such smokescreens.
The Alternative View
*Article first appeared on