Singapore Democrats
The SDP has sent our alternative healthcare plan to the Medishield Life Review Committee (MLRC). Titled The SDP National Healthcare Plan: Caring For All Singaporeans, the 87-page paper proposes reforming our healthcare financing system to one that is universal, affordable and sustainable.
The MLRC, headed by Mr Bobby Chin, was appointed after PM Lee Hsien Loong announced in his National Day Rally last year that the Government would amend the Medishield scheme, now called Medishield Life, to increase patients' coverage of medical bills.
Details have not been announced and the MLRC was set up to study the proposed parameters of the scheme.
But even at this early stage, PM Lee has signaled that "contributions to Medisave will have to increase." Does this mean that Singaporeans will have to continue to shoulder the main bulk of the healthcare expenditure?
This contrasts with the SDP's plan, a detailed and comprehensive alternative proposal, which shifts the onus of paying for the major portion of the nation's healthcare expenses onto the government, a practice in line with other comparable European and Asian economies.
Singapore is one of the last few countries where the healthcare system is not universal. Because of this many in the poorer segment of society do not receive adequate medical care. For those who meet a catastrophic illness, their savings are often wiped out because of high medical bills.
By sending our healthcare plan to the MLRC, the SDP hopes to inject into the healthcare debate the need for a genuinely affordable national insurance scheme where healthcare extends to all regardless of one's station in life.
One of the terms of reference of the MLRC is "to consult widely with the public and key stakeholders”. As such, the SDP looks forward to participating constructively in the consultation process and bringing a fresh and much-needed perspective to the topic.
6 January 2014Mr Bobby Chin
Medishield Life Review Committee
Dear Sir,
Allow me to congratulate you on your appointment as Chairman of the Medishield Life Review Committee.
I would like to bring to your attention The SDP National Healthcare Plan: Caring For All Singaporeans of which a copy is linked here. The document highlights the various problems brought about by the current healthcare system. Our paper also details a comprehensive programme that would alleviate these problems and bring about a healthcare system that is universal, affordable and sustainable for our citizens.
Given that the Medishield Life Review Committee has been charged with reviewing and studying the parameters of our healthcare financing system, I am sure that you would be interested in studying the proposals contained in the SDP plan.
We look forward to contributing to the review of our healthcare system and make it one that will take care of all Singaporeans.
As this subject is of public interest, I hope you will not mind if this letter is published on our website.I wish you and your Committee members the very best.
Chee Soon JuanSecretary-GeneralSingapore Democratic Party