One of the ways in which you know if your MP is doing a good job in Parliament is his/ her absentism record.
Many residents think that just because an MP such as Er Lee Bee Hwa who wayangs around by showing up during festival celebrations or occasions in your neighbourhood means you are doing your job.
Another is to show up in Parliament and to speak up in Parliament to pressure PAP to refine their policies and to block / vote for Bills or Amendments. However, sadly, many residents do not follow Parliament closely and may lose out on critical information.
Mah Bow Tan has a high absentism record so far, and I am not just talking about 2013. In 2012, there were 28 Parliament sittings. Mah Bow Tan was absent for a total of 17 Parliament sittings without valid reasons.
In schools or work, you can be called up for disciplinary hearing so I don't understand how come Mah Bow Tan can get away with his absence.
Ever since he had a poor showing in Tampines in GE2011, one would expect him to wake up after stepping down as MND Minister. However, Mah Bow Tan is very active in the private sector and has held a few jobs in private sector. This reaffirms why we need full time MPs who should not hold more than 1 job or portfolio when he is elected as MP.
Compared to opposition MPs which have a very clean attendance, all Singapore citizens should pay attention to PAP's absentism record.
Nicole Seah should challenge Mah Bow Tan again in Tampines come GE2016 to ensure Mah Bow Tan can retire comfortably in Australia with his ang-mo Aussie wife.
Below is his absence record in 2012
- 18 Oct MBT
- 21 Oct MBT
- 17 Jan MBT
- 18 Jan MBT
- 14 Feb MBT
- 17 Feb MBT
- 29 Feb MBT
- 2 Mar MBT
- 6 Mar MBT
- 7 Mar MBT
- 8 Mar MBT
- 9 Mar MBT
- 11 Sep MBT
- 16 Oct MBT
- 12 Nov MBT
- 14 Nov MBT
- 16 Nov MBT
Information can be collated here
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