I am now going to publish the latest death threat sent to my wife's email and cc'd to me and our son which my wife and I reported to the Police last night. Until now I have not gone public in the interests of not hampering a police investigation and to protect my son's right to privacy. I now think the only way we are going to stop these people is through some transparency. As many of you know my wife's mother passed away recently.
This new threat is actually mild compared to some of the others we received which were accompanied by graphic and obscene sadomasochistic imagery. These are not the online comments of people getting over excite. They are very well thought out and carefully researched. One message came with 27 images. I wish to thank the SPF for their hard work and continued dedication in attempting to solve this crime which has been ongoing for a year now. Here is last night's message:
"Dead on Arrival
Hi (wife)
Did you miss me? I've missed you and (son) too.
Tell your husband to stay in the United Kingdom; both he and his meddlesome ways are unwelcome in Singapore. If your husband returns to Singapore, your son will suffer the same fate as your mother.
Are you truly that naive - did you really believe that we had no part in your dear mother's passing? You can regard that as our final warning!
I remain. Faithfully yours, Hijirah Maker. "
These cowards threatening my son's life. Do they think this is the Singapore way? Is this how we conduct politics? Personally, I see it as a sign of how robust my polices are that my enemies cannot silence me except by going after my family. I must be close to the truth if they are this keen to silence me.
Do you think I'm Anton Casey and I am going to up and leave?
I'm Singaporean born and bred and I'm not going to stop fighting for transparency, democracy and prosperity for Singaporeans any time soon. I grew up with adversity of this nature and I am inured to it. The harder you push us, the more the MSM collude in making my family a target, the more we will push back.
Kenneth Jeyaretnam
*Comment first appeared on his FB page here.
Editor's Note: Earlier the Reform Party official website was hacked by a group of hackers claimed to be from "Indonesian Anonymous Collective". Refer to picture below:
IDA have also informed The Reform Party about the potential hacking threat faced.