Since the year 2002, NSP has made repeated calls on the Government to do more for our elderly.
Budget 2014 only reinforces the transactional value in our society. We have missed the opportunity to lay the foundation for a more gracious one.
PGP is premised on rewarding a generation of people who had sacrificed much towards the economic success of Singapore. It is not centered on taking care of our senior citizens regardless of their contribution.
A kind and gracious society takes care of its elderly because they are our elderly, regardless what they had given when they were younger.
NSP welcomes Budget 2014's initiative to alleviate some of the concerns of our older citizens, especially their concerns of affordability of healthcare, through the PGP.
T here is precedence that the Government's previous Budget estimates have seen significant upward revisions, so, Budget 2014 could have considered other measures to ensure better peace of mind for our senior citizens.
NSP proposes that the Government considers an inflation-indexed social pension scheme for the benefit of our senior citizens.
NSP proposes that the FDW levy be waived for elderly Singaporeans wishing to hire foreign domestic workers to support them to age in place.
NSP proposes that Singapore's bed per 1000 total population be raised to at least 3.0 per 1000 total population.
NSP proposes for more Government Polyclinics to be built and also that the operating hours of the Government Polyclinics be extended.
NSP proposes that CHAS scheme be further enhanced.
NSP proposes an increase in the headcount of doctors and nurses to the levels of the high-income, first-world countries.
NSP proposes that pre-primary education be nationalised and to make kindergarten education compulsory for all.
NSP proposes that the tuition fees of local tertiary education institutions be 50% subsidised for Singaporean second children and be fully subsidised for Singaporean third and subsequent children.
NSP proposes that Government further enhance its initiative to tap on private bus operators.
NSP proposes that the Government further simplify the criteria for such schemes and grants targeted to improve productivity, and remove any red tapes to allow for claims to be processed faster so that businesses will not have a strain on their cash flow.
NSP supports efforts to study the feasibility of creating a national database tracking industrial and retail rents. Such an effort will not only enhance transparency, but may also have a moderating effect on the rising rental costs.
NSP urges Government to consider our proposals in previous Party's previous Budget responses which will benefit Singapore and Singaporeans if implemented. These include, a call to cut GST to 5.5%; a review of the Certificate Of Entitlement System; to raise top marginal personal income tax rate to 22% for those earning above $500,000; to re-instate Estate Duty at 5% for total assets (without differentiating between residential properties or other assets) between $10m to $15m, and 10% for amounts above that; and to raise the casino tax rates to 22.5% for non-premium players and 7.5% for premium players.
NSP calls on the Government to affirmatively promote and support the growth of civil societies, non-government organisations and other cause-based, Singapore-registered associations, by offering them the use of office space at designated locations at free or subsidised rents.
For the Full Response, please click here.