1. Population white paper is good - its good for you because when they bring in more foreigners, more jobs will be created in the process. Fact - many local PMETs were replaced by incoming foreigners and even if they could find job the salary is being suppressed. Real reason - government wants to convert as many foreigners into new citizens for their votes.
2.Polytechnic education is enough - why study so hard for a degree when you can't get a job afterwards? Fact - most diploma graduates end up as rank and file workers as highly educated foreigners take up senior positions. Real reason - educated foreigners need good jobs so they can stay on and be enticed to become new citizens. A well-educated population also tends to be demanding and bold.
3. GRC is good - different minority races will be represented in the constituencies. Fact - GRC makes it difficult for opposition to contest as they need to find enough contestants and at least one minority one. Real reason - want to remain in power.
4. Transport fare hike is necessary - need to increase fares as operational cost has gone up. Fact - SMRT and SBS Transit still made 200 million nett profit last year. Real reason - corporate greed.
5. Town council service and conservancy fee increase reasonable - need to increase because cost is creeping up. Fact - town council has a combined sinking fund of $2 billion. Real reason - greed.
6. National service is important - still needs conscription as the world is very dangerous. Fact - the region around us is war-free for almost five decades. Real reason - control and indoctrination of the population.
7. Housing is affordable - $1000 salary and you can own a flat as the government will help home earners with huge subsidy. Fact - many low-income earners could not own a flat and has to rent cheap public housing from the government. Real reason - dependence on government for subsidy thus perpetually under their control and sway.
8. Scholar system is necessary - they need scholars as the talent pool in Singapore is limited. Fact - thinkers and bright people are consistently rounded up by the government to be on their side eg Philip Jeyaretnam. Real reason - less people who are capable will be freed to join the opposition camp and there will be minimal dissent.
9. Limit internet space - people need to read the right stuff as the internet is full of fabrication. Fact - they are worried that people read the truth online as the mass media is controlled. Real reason - control of what can influence the masses.
10. Four races living in harmony - our people need to be segregated according to the four races and respected. Fact - segregation by races has led to discrimination especially at the job front for the minority races and is a classic divide and rule strategy of the ruling party. Real reason - minority races portrayed as the trouble makers for the country thus aligning the majority race with the PAP.
Gilbert Goh
*Article first appeared on https://www.facebook.com/goh.gilbert/posts/10152692023333975