According to a Straits Times survey, voters are most concerned about the presence of government accountability when it comes to picking an MP.
Residents want to see proper checks and balances in place to ensure accountability within the government. For many, this is more important that having a well run estate at the constituency level.
The survey also revealed that another issue that was seen as important was an MP's personal attributes rather than the party he or she belonged to.
The survey asked residents what issues were most important and respondents had to rate the level of importance of each of 6 factors: the party of a candidate, their personal attributes, their impact on the voter, the level of accountability, national policies and the need for more alternative voices.
In general, most voters felt that all attributes were important but also felt that local constituency level issues were not as important as these national level interests.
The survey itself took responses from 500 residents and asked them to rate how important they felt each of the factors were.