[Below is a Facebook status update by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong]
Making some changes to strengthen my Cabinet.
Promoting Tan Chuan-Jin and Lawrence Wong to full ministers.
Promoting Sam Tan to Minister of State (at PMO and MCCY) to help me coordinate delivery of social policies like the Pioneer Generation Package.
Appointing Dr Lam Pin Min Minister of State at MOH, to help Gan Kim Yong oversee our major healthcare projects including MediShield-Life.
There will be two new Mayors: Denise Phua (Central Singapore CDC) and Low Yen Ling (Southwest CDC).
These changes will help us serve Singaporeans better, and form part of our continuing leadership renewal. I ask all Singaporeans to give them your full support, and work with my team to build a better Singapore for all. - LHL
For the full statement, please go to http://bit.ly/1m5sAta
(Chuan-Jin and Lawrence at JP Morgan Corporate Run in Apr 14. / Photo courtesy of JP Morgan)