Channel: The Real Singapore - Politics
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PM Lee: We will develop our own ways to 'control' the online space


<above pic: The PAP have controlled and spread propaganda on the mainstream media for decades, the picture above is a classic example>

I refer to the article: "The threat facing online comments"

You may think trolling and flaming is a problem unique to Singapore, but it isn’t. 

In Europe, freedom of speech is considered almost a sacred virtue. Yet recently the European Court of Human Rights ruled that when a website publishes a controversial story that may attract defamatory or insulting comments, the website must anticipate this trolling and flaming, and be ready beforehand to remove these comments promptly. 

It is not the last word on the matter. But it reflects how societies are still finding the right balance between freedom of speech and responsible online behaviour. I agree with Minister Yaacob Ibrahim that freedom of speech does not come free from the need to be responsible for what one says, either online or offline. 

This is a tough problem to solve, but we need to develop our own ways to keep online conduct civil and constructive. 


Lee Hsien Loong

*Comment first appeared on https://www.facebook.com/leehsienloong


Editor's Note: We don't think anyone thinks that trolling and flaming is a problem unique to Singapore. Any netizen that uses the Internet since the IRC or Msn Messenger era will tell you that.




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