PM Lee recently shared an image of a letter which he had received from an unnamed social worker who was writing in to praise PM Lee and the government for the good policies which had helped her family.
Sharing the letter on facebook, PM had written that he was 'cheered' to receive the email.
Here is his facebook status in full:
I was very cheered to receive this email from a young Singaporean social worker. She told me how the Government had enabled her family to live comfortably, and how policies like Medisave, MediShield and Medifund have helped many in her work with a VWO. She felt strongly enough about this to take the trouble to write to me about them.
I shared her email with my Cabinet colleagues. This prompted Sim Ann to recount a similar encounter at the recent Pre-U Seminar. Here's her FB post:
One student, Kuek Jia Yao, had published a thoughtful letter ( in ST. He gamely shared with Sim Ann and the other participants why he did so, and explained why he felt we needed constructive policy debate that offered solutions, instead of “attention-grabbing, unsubstantiated criticism”.
Thank you to all who have shared your thoughts with us. We will continue to work hard to build a better Singapore for everyone. – LHL
The letter which he had received praising his policies:
Editor's Note: It is interesting that PM Lee is so fast to highlight a positive letter of praise which he has received from an unnamed social worker.
It seems that PM Lee is happy to pat himself on the back, for a job well done while continuing to ignore genuine concerns raised by Singaporeans.
Recently, Catherine Lim had raised concerns about the fact that the government has lost the trust of the people, but the sincere letter was happily ignored by the government.
(See: Catherine Lim: An Open Letter to PM Lee)
He is also working to sue Roy Ngerng who raised concerns about CPF.
Do you think it's productive for our PM to be selectively listening to only the 'right' things?