When cars go out of fashion, what happens to car parks?'
It seems hard to imagine at the moment, but a day may (soon) come when cars go out of fashion in Singapore.
It is already happening in some European cities. Youngsters no longer see a need to take driving lessons, let alone buying a car. People are walking, cycling, taking public transport. The occasional car needs can be satisfied more coolly, via Uber or Zipcar or many such local ridesharing equivalents.
That will transform lifestyles and city landscape, for the better! Car parks will become excessive and redundant.
To help re-imagine such a scenario, URA is supporting PARK(ing) Day on Friday, offering all its parking lots for the public to transform into creative, temporary public 'PARKS'. This is part of a global PARK(ing) Day initiative.
The mission is to get everyone to envision a city with fewer cars, and more space for people, for living.
All ideas are welcome. We have so far received about 50 registrations, from community groups, local businesses and student bodies. The variety and creativity of the entries are inspiring.
One group intends to create a display area to showcase growing crops on roofs and walls, and harnesses solar energy to power fans and lights. Another intends to set up a pop-up repair cafe, where people can learn how to mend everyday items such as furniture, shoes and clothes, thus reducing the amount of waste.
You may have other ideas. Do join us on PARK(ing) Day, and continue to share your thoughts on how to enliven our public spaces and our city.
For more information on where the 'PARKS' are created, you can visit URA's PARK(ing) Day website.
Khaw Boon Wan
*Article first appeared on http://mndsingapore.wordpress.com/