Looking back at 2014: A message for our members, supporters and well-wishers
Looking back at 2014, the National Solidarity Party (NSP) is proud to have been at the frontline of the move for political change in Singapore.
From our position paper proposing an electoral reform[1], to our comments on transport policies changes[2], to our call for declassification of documents[3] and to our appeal to President against biased conditions for granting newspaper permits to opposition parties[4] – we challenged the People’s Action Party government to review its policies for the betterment of Singaporeans.
We were part of the movement advocating for a revamp of the CPF Scheme. After a dialogue with concerned members of the public, we released a Paper entitled ‘Re-Visioning the CPF Scheme with 6/6 Clarity’[5].
On a lighter note, in May 2014, NSP hosted a Dinner which was attended by leaders of other political parties, prominent members of civil society, well-known journalists and writers[6] as well as many well-wishers and supporters. Building better relationship with friends and opposition party members was one of our main priorities for 2014.
To commemorate the 49th year of Singapore’s independence on 9 August 2014, we produced and released a video[7] which paid homage to the tenets of our National Pledge.
However, we continue to face challenges on many fronts. Despite the 2011 General Election being widely heralded as a watershed, many Singaporeans still shy away from supporting political change for fear of reprisals[8]. We are also chronically constrained by lack of funds and resources. (On this note, please see our Appeal for Donations, below.)Throughout the year, we kept our presence felt in the areas we contested in the last General Election through our regular Sunday outreaches and weekday house visits. We are committed to staying closely connected to the ground, so that we may be an effective voice of the hearts and minds of ordinary Singaporeans.
As we enter the new year and with the next General Election drawing nearer, new challenges await us. The road ahead is daunting, but with you standing with us, we are sure that we can scale this mountain.
We thank you for your past support and we also solicit your continued support, so that we may together serve the Party’s aim of seeking better, happier lives for fellow citizens.
Forward to 2015!
Warm Wishes,
Jeannette Chong-Aruldoss, Secretary-General
On behalf of the 15th Central Executive Committee
Appeal for Donations
Donations from Members, Well-Wishers and Supporters are our main source of funds. On behalf of the Party, we seek your kind generosity to consider making either a one-time donation to the Party or a pledge to give the Party a fixed amount every month, to enable us to carry out our plans.
Details on how to donate to NSP are set out at this link: http://nsp.sg/donate/
If you would like to know more about the financial needs and constraints of the Party, please feel free to send your queries to secgen@nsp.sg
[1] Electoral Reform Proposal to replace the Group Representation Scheme with a Constituency Reserved for Minority Scheme at http://nsp.sg/2014/07/03/electoral-reform-proposal-constituency-reserved...
[2] Statement on Bus Service Reliability Framework at
http://nsp.sg/2014/05/29/statement-on-the-new-bus-contracting-model-scheme/ ;
Statement on the new Bus Contracting Model Scheme at
[3] http://nsp.sg/2014/10/23/establish-a-public-interest-declassification-bo...
[4] http://nsp.sg/2014/10/20/appeal-to-the-president-mci-refuses-to-process-... and http://nsp.sg/2014/12/10/statement-on-nsps-additional-submissions-to-the...
[6] http://nsp.sg/2014/05/26/speech-by-our-secretary-general-at-nsps-27th-an...
[7] http://nsp.sg/2014/08/07/pledge-guiding-light-future/
[8] http://nsp.sg/2014/06/02/the-silence-of-fear/
January 5, 2015