Channel: The Real Singapore - Politics
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Goh Meng Seng: Democracy is Not Just About Having 2 Parties in Parliament


You want to see BIG PICTURE? In Democracy, it is not about who you support or who become government. It is about putting up a system that can sustain over generations. Whoever rule or fail, will only be a small dot in the timeline of history.

The system must include:

1) Rule of Law and Justice 
2) Freedom of expression and speech
3) Proper system of checks and balances (Separation and Independence of Powers, Executive, Judiciary, Legislative, Control/Supervisory/Impeachment/Free Press/Corruption Investigation Power, etc)
4) An electoral system which allows peaceful transition of powers and rule without bloodshed
5) Social Justice and Equality to be maintained

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6) Provide a Fair system which allow the people to live and earn their living 
7) Transparency and Accountability 
8) Social safety net to provide the basic means of living for those under-privileged and disadvantaged
9) Civil Liberty and Human Rights.

What WP people, members, supporters or otherwise, are suggesting that we should close both eyes to any and every wrong doings of WP just because it is opposition and the perceived "underdog". This is at the expense of Rule of Law and it will have serious consequences in compromising what we want to build for Singapore, a true Democracy with proper Separation of Powers and Rule of Law. This is really unacceptable to me. 

It is really not about winning or losing this election or the next. We have to start it right, do it right, get it right, right from the beginning.


Goh Meng Seng

*Article first appeared on https://www.facebook.com/gohmengseng.freedom/posts/10205065240963867?com...


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