Mr. Lee Kuan Yew was an unprecedented figure, hence he was able to foresee that after his death, some of the citizens would suggest preserving his family home, erecting memorial monuments or naming certain governmental buildings after him.
Therefore, way before his passing, he had already stated his intention to demolish the family home so that the nation's resources would not be wasted; and there would not be any hinderance to his neighbours planning for development of their own properties. This has once again proven him to be a great leader with foresight.
Actually, anyone who travel overseas often would know that LKY's name has already been associated with Singapore - whenever people talk about Singapore, his name would inevitably be brought up as well.
If the people of Singapore want to commemorate him, we should all respect his desire to maintain a good impression of Singaporeans both within and beyond the country itself; and to develop Singapore into a gracious society spreading worldwide, enabling every country in the globe to know that there is such a graciously beautiful island named "Singapore".
May the government stop wasting time debating which buildings to be named after LKY, or what monuments to be built - use these funds wisely for the benefits of the people!
Singapore Democratic Alliance (SDA)
*Article first appeared on